Lucy bags silver as Big Foot bikers ride great junior WMTBOC

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V juniorkách zvítězila superfavoritka své kategorie Veronika Kubínová, která z loňska obhajuje 4 zlaté medaile. A při úvodní disciplíně všem ukázala, že i letos si do Litvy přivezla skvělou formu. Druhou Australanku Lucy Mackie zdolala o 1:59, třetí Ruska Uliana Sukholovskaya měla ztrátu ještě o další minutu vyšší. Na velkou bednu za šesté místo vystoupala i Vilma Králová. Do nejlepší desítky se vešla i devátá Veronika Grycová.

Yep, Lucy Mackie grabbed silver in the middle distance race after riding head-to-head with hot favourite Veronika Kubinova who caught her early. Kubinova managed to lose it over he handle-bars at one point, with nobody spotting notorious pump-in-spokesman Richard Mountstephens. With Lucy riding the hills better than Kubinova, but Kubinova navigatinmg better they were evenly matched and took gold and silver. Lucy has a great description posted here.

Fergus Mackie carried over his good form from 2016 and cracked the top 10 in the middle with a 9th position, then followed up with 24th in the long race this weekend, while Lucy grabbed 7th.

Apparently Hamish was in charge of team nutrition - Lucy, Fergus and Glenn Charlton pictured below at the pre-sprint breakfast:

(notice how none of them are looking in the same direction at the same time - they could make a great rogaining team)

And the results in the sprint were not quite so good, although Ferg and Lucy both placed in the top 20.

Ferg repeated his 2016 outing in the open men's relay with Lucy also joining him this year. We'll draw a veil over that result, but everybody got round OK (looking at you Japan).

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