Australian Junior Development Ca...

Australian Junior Development Ca...
Event Date: 2024-12-13
Club: Some dodgy club ?
Please see detailed information in Bulletin 1
Coaches and adult helpers please enter on eventor, and fill in this google form to indicate what roles you are interested in and WWCC status:
Note that accomodation is limited for adult helpers, and is reserved for key helpers/coaches. Please contact the camp coordinator if you are interested in staying at Alvio BEFORE you enter.

For those entering 12-13 year old category - participants must be supervised by a parent/guardian at all training sessions at all time. This includes during training sessions, where the parent/guardian is responsible for shadowing/coaching. Please contact camp coordinator if you have any questions regarding this.

Payment for accommodation for 12-13 year olds will be invoiced to parent/guardian, if parent/guardian needs to stay due to their role in the camp.

location not set
Friday, December 13, 2024