SSS #10 - Castle Cove

SSS #10 - Castle Cove
Event Date: 2024-12-11
Club: Big Foot
Venue: Castle Cove Oval.

Public transport: 277 Bus from Chatswood or 194/207 Bus from Wynyard

Starts from 4:30pm / Course closure: 7:30pm (latest start at 6:45pm)

Event #10 of the Sydney Summer Series. Offering a new extended map that includes Explovises reserve and the North Arm Walking track as well as the streets of Castle Cove.

This is a 45 minute score course event with starts from 4.30pm until 6.45pm, get checkpoints in any order. To make the most of the area there will be a remote start approx. 1km (15mins walk) from the assembly – so please allow some extra time if needed – last start 6.45pm sharp. Report to the Assembly/Finish at Castle Cove Oval first to collect map. Clear and Check will be at the start.

DO NOT ATTEND if you are unwell, show symptoms of, or test positive to COVID 19.

Not currently a member? Join now, before registering for this event, to be eligible for the member discount on the event entry fee.

Orienteering Club Members - Seniors $15, Juniors (Under 21) $10
Casual Registrations (Non-members) - Seniors $20, Juniors (Under 21) $15. All casual rates include SI stick hire.
Groups of juniors (eg Scouts and Guides) $5 each. Please contact the organiser in advance so we can be sure to have enough maps.
These entry fees include SI stick hire

Pre-entry is preferred but Enter on the Day is available via credit/debit card.

location not set
Wednesday, December 11, 2024