NSW School Relay Championships a...

NSW School Relay Championships a...
Event Date: 2024-08-18
Club: Bold Horizons
Entries have now closed. There will be limited entry on the day available (subject to map numbers)

Venue: Macquarie University (meet at Ubar)

This will be a sprint-distance relay event incorporating the:

NSW School Relay Orienteering Championships for school-aged students; and
The inaugural Bold Horizons Sprint Relay Championship for adult classes.

Relays will be for teams of three people and all adult teams must contain at least one female runner. The following classes will be available and are based on the combined age of runners:
A - Combined age minimum of 75 years
B - Combined age minimum of 120 years
C - Combined age minimum of 180 years.

Runners should aim to form their own relay teams and will be asked for their team composition prior to the event.
The event team will endeavour to assist individual runners that do not have a team to form ad hoc teams.

IF you are are also entering BOTH the forest and sprint events this weekend, choose the discounted entry fee option for the relay. If you are only entering the relay event or the relay and one other weekend event, the full entry price will apply.

INFORMATION ON THE NSW SCHOOL RELAY CHAMPIONSHIPS IS AVAILABLE AT: https://www.boldhorizons.com.au/2024-nsw-school-orienteering-championships/
STUDENT ENTRY IS AT: https://raceroster.com/events/2024/91544/nsw-schools-orienteering-champi.... Entries are open.


There will be a separate individual sprint event at the same venue in the morning and should be entered separately. It will comprise:

NSW School Sprint Orienteering Championships for school-aged students; and
NSW State League #13 for adult classes.

There is also a forest event, close by at Turramurra, on the previous day which should also be entered separately.

location not set
Sunday, August 18, 2024